5 Ways To Incorporate Biophilic Design Into Your Interiors

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The advantages of biophilic design are vast: reduced stress, lower blood pressure levels, boosted productivity, increased creativity and improved wellbeing are just some. Although the benefits are clear, how you can actually integrate the focus on the natural world into your home may not be.

So, we’ve put together a few simple ways that biophilic design can be easily incorporated into your interiors, transforming your home into a haven for wellbeing.

Bring the environment inside

Unsurprisingly, encompassing greenery and features of the great outdoors is a key technique, and adding indoor plants to your home interiors scheme is an easy way to go about it. If you’re feeling more adventurous, you could even opt for a miniature inside water fountain!

When plants aren’t an option, for example if you or your family suffer from allergies, you could instead choose from the huge selection of artificial varieties available. Decorating walls, whether a solid shade, a statement mural, or using a stencil, and including green elements such as cushions or rugs, can achieve an effective natural vibe.

Use earthy colours

It’s not just green décor and furnishings that will help to create a oneness with nature – other colours such as brown, orange and blue tones can assist by adding landscape and water elements. How about hand-painted pieces of furniture finished in pale or rustic shades to help reconnect with the tranquillity of the natural world.

Let the fresh air in

Although an obvious point, and perhaps not so appealing in the colder months, is the simple act of opening your windows. Allowing the signs and sounds of nature to flood into your home will lighten your mood, as well as help maintain a clear head; particularly relevant if you work from home with maybe only a small space in which to do it.

Absorb the daylight

With 1 in 5 of us deficient in vitamin D, it’s important that we take advantage of the sunlight when it appears – not always as easy as it sounds in the UK! You’ll be aware at which times the sun shines into your living spaces, so if it’s possible to work, read or potter in these areas at the right time, then take the opportunity.

Use natural materials

Wood and stone are popular materials in biophilic design, whether solid or veneer. Using wood for a minimum of 50% of a living space has been found to increase comfort significantly. Easily achieved by employing large pieces of furniture, such as wood grain finished wardrobes, a solid wood floor or faux wood / brick wallpaper designs.

Incorporating biophilic design into your home is easy when you know how. If you need any help transforming your space into one that boosts your wellbeing, Hartleys can help. For professional and creative design advice on all types of bespoke furniture, contact us on tel 01756 700471, or see our ranges for yourself by visiting our Yorkshire showroom.

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