5 Signs Your Bedroom Needs a Makeover!

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We spend anywhere between 25-50% of our lives in our bedrooms. A place to sleep, read, get dressed and come round with a cup of tea in a morning, it’s important to feel comfortable and relaxed in this key room of the house. Homeowners dedicate a lot of time, money and energy to getting their kitchen and living room just right. And yet, for many of us, our bedrooms are left neglected.

Is your bedroom in need of a makeover? Here are 5 signs that it could be time to upgrade your décor.

Mismatched décor

Over the years, every room in your house evolves. Perhaps you’ve received homeware from friends and family, or bought new duvet sets and soft furnishings. However, this can result in décor that’s a little overwhelmed by different patterns, colours and styles. By starting afresh with your bedroom, you can determine a look and feel that can truly help you relax on an evening.

Clutter, clutter everywhere

Do you feel like you’re constantly stepping over shoes, bags and clothes? It could be time to rethink the storage in your bedroom. Fitted furniture can be customised to meet your storage needs, whether your wardrobe is fit to burst or you’ve got a spiralling shoe collection.

Worn out wardrobes and dressers

Even the most well-made furniture doesn’t last forever. Over time, wear and tear can lead to faults and problems such as jammed drawers and creaky doors. If your cupboard, dressing table and headboard have seen better days, you may want to consider replacing them.

Poor lighting

Struggling to make out the words during bedtime reading? Or perhaps your lighting is a little too bright and sterile. Getting the lighting right is essential in your bedroom, so don’t settle for squinting when dealing with this key room of the house. Well-placed furniture and quality lighting solutions will help you strike the balance with an ambience that works.

An underused room

If you find that you don’t head upstairs until the minute you’re ready for bed, it’s a strong sign that your bedroom isn’t as inviting as it should be. From getting ready in a morning to unwinding on an evening, your bedroom is designed to be a haven where you can relax away from the hustle and bustle of the family. By giving this room a makeover, you’ll fall in love with bedtime again.

Whilst making the downstairs of your home presentable is important, it’s vital to prioritise your own comfort and wellbeing when decorating your house. If your bedroom is looking a little worse for wear, seize the opportunity to transform it.

Create a beautiful room that you won’t be able to resist retreating to, with design and furniture solutions from Hartleys Rooms. Browse our bedrooms or visit our Yorkshire furniture showroom for inspiration. Want to find out more? Give us a call on 01756 700471.

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