How To Style Your Home For Happiness

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The current climate is tough, and we’re all spending longer at home. But with spring now officially underway and many of us finding ourselves with more time, why not give your home a makeover turning it into a space that you can truly be content with?

In this blog, we explore ways that you can decorate your rooms with the things that you love. So, instead of following trends, create a happier and more comfortable abode…Create a cosy bedroom just for you

Display the things you love

It might sound obvious but instead of focusing too heavily on what’s in, why not focus on what makes you happy? This could be photos of your friends and family or trinkets from holidays abroad. Objects that allow you to reminisce will always put a smile on your face.

Enjoy cooking? Display your cookery books to add a bit of character and colour to your kitchen? Got a favourite music artist? Frame the record and hang it high for all to see. This will be different for everyone and hence allows you to show off your individual style.White shelves and greenery

Include bright colours

It has been scientifically proven that brighter colours can improve our concentration and overall mood. Certain shades can have a huge impact on how we feel in our homes, so it’s important to choose a palette that works for you. Ideal for working from home, light blues and greens can boost productivity. Green is also affiliated with nature, offering a calming atmosphere for the mind and body.

Uplifting shades such as yellow can also be a great addition bringing with it connotations of spring and happiness. Find a colour that makes you feel good as an individual and unleash your creativity.

Add some greenery

With trees in bud and blooms blossoming, spring is a time for fresh life and new beginnings. 

Bring the outside indoors and add some daffodils to your kitchen table and a cheery pot plant to decorate your window ledge. Letting in lots of light and surrounding your space with plants is a simple, but effective way to lift your spirits.

And, it won’t just make your space look revitalised. Plants are a great way to purify the air within your home, leaving you feeling refreshed without moving a muscle.

De-clutterDeclutter and organise your space

It’s time to wash winter away. There’s a reason that it’s called a spring clean. Sort through and organise your belongings into three piles – keep, bin and charity. You could also see what items could be upcycled to create something totally new. A tidy room equals a tidy mind, and can leave you with a clear head happier for when summer rolls around.

And if you’re looking for somewhere to store your items, bespoke built-in furniture is just the thing. Not only is it a great alternative for those who don’t like to throw anything out, but they’re perfect for keeping your belongings safe and organised. So, if you’re looking for a storage solution to keep your home tidy, we’re the team to turn to.

If you would like any more information, or to book a free design visit, please fill in our contact form and we’ll be in touch as soon as we can.


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