SBS Winner 31/08/14

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On and off we have be tweeting the Dragon Theo Paphitis each week with our #SBS entry. I usually do this as we unwind on a Sunday evening and hardly mention it to Steve – he loves my dreaming but with over 400,000 followers what are the chances of us being chosen? Last weekend was no different, if anything I was more relaxed than usual as we were on holiday. Again I tweeted and forgot all about it…

The following day was our daughter's birthday so we were out having fun and really tried not to even think about work. Then at 7pm my phone flashed with a tweet. Funnily enough I joked with myself it was too early, it was! But then an hour later it wouldn't stop. Frantically I tried to keep up. Who would have thought one retweet could have such an impact. All of sudden we had people congratulating and retweeting us. It was amazing. Within a few hours we had grown by nearly 100 followers and it was time to switch off notifications and go to bed.

In the morning I pinched myself to see if I really was awake and hadn't just dreamed it all. I read through the lovely tweets we had received over night and started to wonder what to do next. After all a retweet is just a retweet unless you do something with it. I registered on Theo Paphitis' website in search of advice. I'm not great with PR but didn't want to miss the opportunity. First of all I got on to High Peak Radio, our local station. Rebecca Cassidy was really excited and wanted to interview me. Now we are busy sending out our press release and wondering what tomorrow will bring.

It's fabulous to be recognised by Theo Paphitis. It has given us reassurance in what we do. Being an online company can be difficult as you don't get to meet your customers. However, social media is all about interaction and we appreciate this piece. Thank you. If you have your own business we encourage you to have a go, after all what have you got to lose!

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#SBS Invest 2024 – Conditions of Entry

#SBS Invest – Conditions of Entry    The Promoter: 1.1 Theo Paphitis Small Business Sunday Limited with registered company number 08540787 and registered address 1