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My Buzz

Everyday life can be stressful and we could all benefit from having someone to listen to us as we share what's on our minds.

Whilst we may believe that we already have people in our lives who listen to us, it may be that these people are distracted by external influences, too emotionally invested, or quick to jump in with their own experiences and feelings.

At The Listening House, our definition of listening is to take the time and effort to hear someone talk, without judging them or interrupting with our own thoughts and feelings.

Once someone has been listened to, they can then feel the value of being truly heard.

Simply put, The Listening House is a membership for your mental wellbeing.

​Many of us will invest in our physical wellbeing, for example by purchasing a monthly gym membership - we are now realising the importance of a similar investment in our mental wellbeing.

​Our online house has many different "rooms" that offer a variety of different services. For example, you can have a one to one session in the Listening Loft, take part in weekly group chats in The Hub, or simply refer to the many resources that can be found in the Inspiration Station. You can find full details of what each room offers by clicking on the green buttons below the video.

​The beauty of The Listening House is that it is private. All members agree to adhere to the house rules that centre around kindness and respect. Therefore you can be assured that you will not be judged here.

My Latest Offers

We have recently launched our three tier membership packages.

Hub membership.......£5 per month
Access to The Hub for our weekly Gather 2gethers, and the Inspiration Station

House membership......£20 per month
Full access to all of the rooms within the house, our weekly Gather 2gethers, our monthly Listen2s, plus 2x introductory one-to-one Listens and discounts on all events

Listening Plus membership.....£40 per month
All of the above PLUS 1x one-to-one Listen per month for the duration of the membership
You can also try out the house for one month for only £20, with no subscription. Please check out our website for details.

#SBS Membership     £15 per month (reduced rate)

Exclusively for SBS Winners. Full access to the House (see House membership above).

- includes extra SBS Gather 2Gether

Please use the PASSWORD - SBSwinners to access the exclusive membership.