My Buzz

So far I have had new followers on twitter, vistors to my website and new customer enquiries. Plus I feel like I am 2 feet taller!

My Bio

10 years ago we moved from the city to the countryside and got our first 2 hens, who had to be called Margo & Barbara! Never kept anything more exciting than a dog and a cat before and it was an education! We had a few good life moments, chasing hens around the garden trying to put them back in their run. From there it was a slippery slope we progressed to more chickens, goats for milk (hand milked twice a day) a few pigs and some bottle reared lambs! (lots of comedy stories to go with each!).

We have now calmed down a little and have focused on chickens and 18 months ago I set up my own business Hens for Hire, hiring out hens to schools across the UK so children get to experience their own little piece of the good life. To date I have worked with over 8000 children and again we have a few good life stories of PE departments chasing hens around a 3 acre playing field along with the joy of children learning where their food comes from!

I have to say it is all thanks to Margo & Barbara our first Good Life Hens!

My Business Tips

Well I am not sure I have that many yet, except:
Deliever on timescales
Keep Customers updated
Make your service as personal as possible

My Latest Offers

Fancy trying hens for the summer? With full training & oncall support. Contact me for more details.

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