My Buzz

Challenging perceptions of the wonderful sport of boxing. Providing opportunities for participants to gain a whole new experience whilst improving their overall health and well-being. Witnessing what a massive difference participating in boxing can make in peoples lives achieving positive outcomes in ways we could not ever imagine.

My Bio

Unorthobox C.I.C. have been running mixed ability boxing sessions since September 2016. We are the only Mixed Ability boxing provider in the U.K. and target our provision at people who are least likely to be engaged in sport. We are at the forefront of the growing Mixed Ability movement, challenging barriers to participation across a range of groups. Our sessions are fully inclusive as we believe everyone should have the opportunity to participate in the sport they love.

Qualified boxing coaches and Tutors (male and female), including two currently competing and very successful amateur boxers, deliver the non-contact sessions. The content of the training is the same as in a general boxing gym, with the exception of sparring (due to current regulations).

Our concept is unique. We are truly inclusive, everyone has the opportunity to train together we do not segregate disabled participants. Our team is diverse with a wide range of qualifications and experience.

Unorthobox is a non-profit organisation, we became a Community Interest Company (C.I.C) in April 2017.

My Business Tips

Always trust your instincts and have an attitude of gratitude.

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