My First blog post! Getting ready for a live interview on BBC Radio Cornwall! @5:45!

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At last, my first blog post! I intend to be a regular on here now!


Doing some prep for my Radio Interview today at 5:45 on BBC Radio Cornwall! 

I have been trying to get onto BBC Radio Cornwall for about 6 months! I think they thought initially that we just wanted to plug our product on air (which of course would be nice!) But we managed to find another angle to come at! This is actually a more wholesome approach, as we are letting the listeners know the kind of help available such as the UKTI etc for people who have ideas/exportable ideas.

I was constantly updating them (via twitter, Facebook and Email) but it was our picture with Theo that finally swung it for us, as we recieved the phone call the next day!

I am hoping that this will give us a stepping stone to then be featured on BBC Spotlight (our news channel in Cornwall)

Making sure that I talk with a smile, mention #SBS as much as possible and be informative about the services and facilities available!


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